Your First Visit

Preparing for an initial cosmetic consultation with your doctor can help you get the most out of your first visit. You may already know which procedure you want to undergo or you may want to find a solution to a specific cosmetic issue. Either way, be ready to have an open and honest discussion about your goals, concerns, and medical history. A consultation should be a two-way conversation in which you interview the doctor and learn more about your options.

How to Prepare for Your First Visit

There are a few steps you can take to ensure your initial appointment runs smoothly.

Research Your Procedure

If you already have an idea of the type of treatment you want, it is a good idea to learn more about the procedure in advance. Your research can help you ask more detailed questions and feel more comfortable when speaking with your doctor.

Make a List of Questions

Write down a list of things you want to ask the doctor during the consultation. You may have questions about their credentials or their operating facility, or you may have procedure-specific questions.

Find Example Pictures

It is helpful to bring some pictures of how you want to look and how you do not want to look as a reference for your doctor. Examples can help your doctor determine which procedures will work best for you.

Gather Your Medical History

Your doctor will likely have questions about your medical history, including health issues that run in your immediate family. They may want to know about previous procedures you have had, both cosmetic and otherwise. You should also make a list of any medications you are currently taking.

Put on Comfortable Clothing

If you are interested in a breast or body procedure, it is a good idea to wear clothing which you can easily remove. Your doctor will likely ask you to undress the relevant areas of your body and put on a patient gown.

How Long Will My Consultation Last?

A consultation can take anywhere for 30 minutes to two hours. The length of your visit will depend on the number of questions you have and the complexity of the procedure you are interested in. Give yourself plenty of time for the appointment, so you have the opportunity to fully discuss your concerns with the doctor without feeling rushed.

What to Expect during the Consultation

Every doctor conducts their consultation differently and the exact details of your visit will vary. However, there are some aspects that are common to cosmetic treatment consultations:

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Discussion with the Doctor

During this time, you can present any questions you have. Your doctor will likely ask you about your goals and concerns to get a better sense of the changes you want to make.

Physical Exam

To determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure you want, your doctor will perform a complete physical evaluation. They may take measurements and photos of certain characteristics well. 

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Treatment Planning

Once your exam is complete, your doctor can determine whether or not you qualify for the procedure you originally considered. They may also review alternatives. At this point, your doctor will likely give you information about the cost of treatment as well. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today

The best way to find out if a treatment is a good option for you is to schedule an initial consultation with a reputable professional. Contact a doctor to find out more.

Dr. Brownrigg

Dr. Peter Brownrigg

Dr. Brownrigg has focused on facial plastic surgery since 1984. He is affiliated with a range of prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Canadian Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Has acted as the Canadian Region Vice President of the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Has acted as the treasurer and president of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery
  • American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Ontario Medical Association

For more information about the services we offer, contact our office online or call (613) 706-6919 today.

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